Skelton School EYFS Intent, Implementation and Impact
Intent | Implementation | Impact |
- To create capable, confident learnings in a caring community that stretches minds, bodies and horizons.
- For all children to strive to succeed no matter of their ability.
- To build on prior learning and knowledge from previous experiences either in school or elsewhere.
- Work in partnership with parents and other professionals to enable all children to succeed and reach their full potential.
- Create a safe and nurturing environment for children in the EYFS.
- Build close relationships with children and parents for successful communication and to build trust.
- Create a challenging, creative, engaging and stimulating curriculum for children to enjoy and flourish through.
- Build enthusiasm within learners.
- Successfully support any children with a SEND need to fully access the same curriculum and reach their full potential.
| - Actively safeguard and promote the welfare of all children.
- Ensure there is a broad curriculum that is balanced and enhanced by the children’s interests.
- Provide the opportunities to learn new skills, build on and gain knowledge and demonstrate understanding through the 7 areas of the EYFS curriculum:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Communication and Language
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
- Ensure there is the correct balance between child-initiated and adult led play-based activities that maximise opportunities for learning.
- Embed school values and rules.
| - Capable, confident learners that are secure with moving from Nursery to Reception and Reception to Year 1.
- Positive progress suited to the abilities of all individual children.
- Children achieve a ‘Good Level of Development’ (GLD) across the 17 early learning goals.
- Regularly review practice and participate in staff CPD where necessary to ensure the needs to every child are being met successfully.